This is Olive Garden's unique take on the classic margarita. Amaretto liqueur makes this one special .
Italian Rum Punch is a delicious cocktail with just the right blend of smooth rum, nutty amaretto, and bright strawberry-passion fruit flavors.
This is a refreshing non-alcoholic drink that is very popular at the restaurant. You can make the Olive Garden Peach Iced Tea at home.
This is a tasty tropical cocktail to enjoy on a hot summer day or any fun occasion. This delicious Blue Hawaii drink is made with rum, blue curacao, and pineapple juice.
This is a delicious and fruity cocktail made with sweet sparkling wine, pineapple juice, and grenadine.
It is hard to resist the Olive Garden original Sangria. Red wine is sweetened perfectly and served with lots of fresh fruit.
Have you tried the Olive Garden Green Apple Sangria made with Moscato wine? It is a delicious fall-inspired sangria that is super easy to make.
The Olive Garden Watermelon Moscato Sangria is a refreshing drink, perfect for summertime, or when you want something light and refreshing
You can make it frozen or on the rocks with this easy copycat recipe. If you love watermelon, this is the drink for you!
Olive Garden Berry Sangria is a light and refreshing beverage.