2 1/2poundschuck roast (tenderized and diced finely)
21ouncesbeef broth
4tablespoonsvegetable oil
29ounceswhole tomatoes with the juice
5teaspoonschili powder
1teaspoongarlic powder
1teaspoononion powder
3/4teaspoonseason salt
1/4teaspoongarlic salt
1/4teaspooncayenne pepper
Thickening Sauce
5tablespoonsSaltine crackersfinely crushed
4tablespoonsmasa harina
1cupwater- more or less, just enough to make a medium thick, smooth sauce
Cut the chuck roast into small bite-sized pieces (diced).
In a 4-quart saucepan, brown the diced chuck roast in vegetable oil, stirring frequently until lightly browned.
Add beef broth and water.
Simmer beef for 1 hour on medium-low heat.
Place tomatoes with juice in blender and blend until pureed.
Strain the tomatoes to remove seeds and pulp.
After beef has been simmering for 1 hour, add 2 cups of the pureed tomatoes.
Add all the spices to meat and tomatoes and stir well.
Simmer for 45 to 50 minutes on low heat, stirring from time to time.
Combine the finely crushed saltine crackers, masa harina, and enough water to make a medium thick, smooth mixture (thickening sauce).
Slowly pour enough of the thickening sauce into meat and tomato mixture, to bring it to a thick state, stirring constantly. Depending on how much the liquid has been reduced, you may need less of the thickener.
Simmer on low heat and stir until chili reaches the desired consistency and ready to be served.